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Attendance/Weekly Contact

South Whidbey ALE 1-8


Washington State has new rules regarding attendance and truancy. South Whidbey ALE 1-8 is an Alternative Learning Experience Program (ALE) and must comply with State guidance.

Class Attendance:

Class attendance refers to attendance in any certificated class or CBI workshop a student is enrolled in. Class attendance is expected at SW ALE. Class attendance is taken daily.

  • If a student is absent for a day, email or call the office attendance line at 360-221-6808 ext. 4632.

  • Parents and students should follow up with teachers regarding any missed classwork or assignments.

  • If a student is/will be absent for 4 consecutive days (a full week at SW ALE), please notify the office and each teacher. In addition, contact your advisor to maintain weekly contact requirements.

Weekly Contact:

One of the requirements of being an ALE is that students must have weekly contact with a certificated teacher as outlined in the state rules- WAC 392-550-040.

  • A student meets the weekly contact requirement by being enrolled in and attending a certificated teacher class.

  • Weekly Contact may be excused by notifying the office and advisor of valid justification.  Failure to notify during the week of the missed weekly contact will result in an unexcused absence. Please don’t hesitate to contact your advisor immediately to re-establish contact if missed and to discuss any changes in your student’s schedule or WSLP as needed.  

  • Students who do not meet the weekly contact requirements for 2 or more consecutive weeks without valid justification will need to take part in an Intervention Plan.

  • Students who do not meet the weekly contact requirement for 5 consecutive weeks or 6 cumulative weeks of missed weekly contact without valid justification are considered “truant” (see ‘Truancy’ below).

Valid reasons for missing weekly contact include:

  • Illness, health condition or hospitalization lasting more than one week.  Including but not limited to, medical, mental health, chemical dependency, for the student or person for whom the student is legally responsible.

  • Family emergencies including, but not limited to, a death or illness in the family.

  • Other instances as listed on the district website.



The Compulsory Attendance Law is often referred to as the “Becca Bill”. The purpose of the law is to help stop truancy before it becomes a problem. Schools and families should work together as a team to ensure school attendance and student safety. However, if a student continues to miss Weekly Contact , this law requires that schools and school districts take the following actions for students enrolled in an ALE program:

  1. One (1) missed weekly contact without valid justification: The school must inform the parent/legal guardian when there is one missed weekly contact. This is often done by an email or phone call home.

  2. Two (2) consecutive or third (3rd) cumulative missed weekly contact without valid justification: Schedule conference with parent and student, complete WARNS needs assessment and Intervention plan.

  3. Five (5)  consecutive or sixth (6th)  cumulative missed weekly contact without valid justification: File truancy petition.

Schools must send the student a notice of the truancy court petition by certified mail with return receipt or in-person delivery. The petition includes many important dates and deadlines that must not be missed by the student and the family.